So this week has been pretty hectic. We only have five weeks in this transfer and we are on the last week already and in about 15 days I will be hitting my 6 month mark! Isn't that crazy!! I can't believe that time is going toooooooo fast!!!! Anyways, So this week we had the Mission President come to our house with his wife to do interviews with us and to do cleaning checks. I was a little nervous I will admit. I felt like a General Athourity was coming over and I felt like there could not be a speck of dust on the floor! That mornning I saw a hair on the floor and I about freaked out on my companion hahah:) But I got over it. My mission presidents wife is so cute!! She baked us sugar cookies and they were delicious. So a funny story from this week. So our toilet has been having some serious issues. We don't know whats wrong with it but it just flushes SUPER slow. So Sister Anderson (The mission presidents wife) Needed to use the bathroom and I forgot to tell her about the toilet. So we were waiting and waiting for her and then finally she comes down and says, "Okay sisters, are you playing a trick on me!" Turns out she thought she had broken the toilet! and she was trying to use the plunger and everything but it didnt work! I felt soooo bad!! and then Presdient Anderson comes out of the interviews and Sister Anderson says, "Honey I have a job for you!" and I thought, oh no! dont ask him to fix the toilet! Then she asked him to fix the toilet and I was like, "NOOOO!! We cant have the Mission President plunge our toilet!!!" I about fainted hahaha but it all worked out in the end with just a tad bit of embarressment. But anyways. We are working with a really cool family. We are mostly teaching the Dad and the daughter but hopefully we can have them all come to church! We are excited to see how things go! We just learned from the mission president that all of the sisters get to take part in the open house of the temple and none of the elders get too. Poor elders! But I am so excited!! I heard that there are like 10 foot chandiliers (might be an exaggeration) but you guys should look it up and see how beautiful it is! Especially with these floridian sunsets! :) Love you guys! Have a great week!
Hermana Miles